New Year Resolutions – how to achieve

New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year

New Year Resolutions

Dear Friends, wish you a very Happy New Year. You must be thinking what would be new in this post. So, let me tell you that I posted this article to share my journey of achieving my resolutions of last year. I am hoping you all have done with your New Year Resolutions. I will be very happy if my article helps you in any order.

Every year I make resolutions such as getting up early in morning, reading books, skill enhancement, healthy diet, regular exercise, study for higher education, getting promotion or good job, achieving something special and so on.

Like everyone else, I always want to accomplish everything listed but as time pass on, my resolutions also fly on. I often complaint for not having time.  And I never succeed in completing all resolutions at the end of the year.

In last year, I would say I completed almost every resolution that I targeted on. And I feel proud of myself that I achieved that much in my life for the first time. I did what I really like to do such as:

  • Reading books.
  • Learn to live Life, not just rushing into it.
  • Hanging out with friends.
  • Learn to be positive in any of the situation.
  • Watching animated movies.
  • Visiting some favorite places.
  • Getting good job in a good company at a good location.
  • Being the master of my life, not a slave.

How it works:

I really did not try hard to accomplish all these things. I just did what everyone can do easily. I read some self help books such as One Minute Manager, The Monk who sold his Ferrari, Who moved my Cheese, Change your Thinking change your Life, Eat that Frog. I simply followed some basic steps:

  • Make a Dream Diary: I took a nice diary to write my ideas.
  • Think on paper: I noted down all my thoughts on to the papers.
  • Make a Plan: I made a master plan for every task for one-year. Then I made sub-plans for one-month, one-week and one-day.
  • Cut into pieces: I cut every big task into small enough sub-tasks.
  • Set priorities: I set priorities for everything and focus on High priority tasks first.
  • Set timelines: I set a timeline for everything to be finished.

A deadline written on a paper works automatically, so worked for me. Everything around me have worked towards my dream. I am thankful to every single person and surrounding.

“A Goal without a deadline is just a Dream” ~ Harvey MacKay

So, this was my journey towards achieving my goals in last year. My dear friends stop making excuses and do whatever is necessary to achieve what you really want to do in life.

“It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection” ~ Bhagavad Gita

I wish you will be successful in achieving all your New Year Resolutions this time. It would be the best year of your life. All the Best..!!

“Work all the time you work and enjoy all the time you enjoy” ~ Dinesh Saini

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